The primary goal of the EPS English Learner (EL) program is for each child to become proficient in the use of the English language.

Overview of Program
The EPS English Learner program implements procedures which:

  • – Appropriately identify and evaluate students with limited English proficiency (LEP)
  • – Determine appropriate Language Instruction Educational Programs for English learners
  • – Monitor the progress of English learners using required District, state, and national assessments to determine academic progress and language proficiency

Once online registration is complete, an English learner teacher will contact parents/guardians to schedule English language proficiency assessments. Student eligibility is based on the results of a language proficiency assessment in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Elementary English Learner (EL) Program
Elementary students who meet eligibility requirements will receive English learner services at their school of residence.

Secondary English Learner (EL) Program
Secondary students who meet eligibility requirements will attend the appropriate English learner program site. Transportation will be provided by the school district for eligible students.

English learners in grades 6 – 8 will attend Elkhorn Ridge Middle School

English learners in grades 9 – 12 will attend Elkhorn South High School. 

Additional Information
For additional information, please contact Montessa Muñoz, Director of Assessment, at (402) 289-2579.