Policy 505.04


The District shall educate students about the services performed by community humanitarian agencies (Red Cross, Food Pantry, Heart Association, etc.) and shall encourage students to participate in the work of such agencies including financial support as a civic or community project. No fund-raising drives, however, shall be conducted by non-school agencies or for non-school purposes among the students or at school organized functions.
Students may engage in fund raising activities under the control of the school for certain approved student projects, provided the project has the approval of the building principal and complies with district guidelines.

Any employee who directly or indirectly seeks to use their position as a district employee to fundraise (such as through a crowd funding initiative) must obtain prior approval from the superintendent or superintendent’s designee before taking any action to fundraise and must comply with district requirements.

Approved: October 12, 1992
Revised: December 11, 1995
Revised: April 10, 2006
Revised: November 13, 2017