Policy 604.04

Health Education

The district shall provide students with comprehensive health education in compliance with state and federal law. The purpose of the health education program is to help each student protect, improve and maintain physical, emotional and social well-being.

The health education program will include family life and sex education to help students acquire factual knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. The Board endorses the position of current medical research that school age family life and sex education be abstinence based. The family life and sex education curriculum shall be approved by the Board. Parents/guardians shall have the opportunity to inspect the sex education curriculum and materials and to file a written request to the principal to withdraw their students prior to instruction. The written request shall include a proposed alternate activity or study acceptable to the principal.

The Board also directs the administration to include in the health education program instruction as to the physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of drug use, misuse and abuse. The objective of this instruction shall be the prevention of substance abuse. Time, materials and community resources shall be allocated to the benefit of the health education program.

Legal Reference:

Cross Reference:
507.10 Student Wellness Policy

Approved: November 10, 1992
Revised: December 9, 1996
Revised: August 14, 2006