Policy 507.10

Student Wellness Policy

The district desires to promote healthy students and healthy living by supporting good nutrition, health education, physical education and regular physical activity. The district strives to promote student wellness and healthy body composition. The district will achieve the goals of this policy by:

Goals to Promote Student wellness:
The District has established the following student wellness goals that are designed to promote student wellness and reduce childhood obesity to comply with Section 204 of the Healthy, HungerFree Kids Act of 2010, Public Law 111 296, added Section 9A to the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NSLA) (42 U.S.C. 1758b).

A. Involving members of the Elkhorn School District in the development, monitoring, and review of this policy;

B. Developing goals for health education, physical education and activity, and other school-based activities that are designed to promote lifelong wellness;

C. Providing nutrition guidelines for all foods available at each school campus of the district during the school day.

Nutritional Guidelines & Assurance for Reimbursable School Meals:
The District will ensure that nutritional guidelines are in place for all foods available in each school
building during the school day with the objective of promoting student health and reducing childhood
obesity. The guidelines are as follows:

A. School breakfast and lunch programs will be offered which meet or exceed the requirements of federal and state law and regulatory authorities.

B. No foods in competition with the school breakfast or lunch program shall be sold or otherwise made available to students anywhere on school premises during the period of one-half hour prior to the serving period for breakfast and lunch and lasting until one-half hour after the serving of breakfast and lunch.

C. Nutrition standards for all foods sold on school campuses during the school day (time period lasting from midnight until one-half hour after the official end of school day) shall comply with the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and meet the Smart Snacks in School nutritional standards.

D. Marketing and advertising is allowed on school premises only for those foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards during the specified time period above. School Breakfast and Lunch Menus are posted on District Website.

E. Students have access to free of charge potable water during meal times and throughout the school day. They have access to water fountains and permission to carry water in plastic containers.

F. Students are given adequate time to eat breakfast and lunch.

G. Qualified nutrition professionals will administer the school meals programs. As part of the school district’s responsibility to operate a food service program, continued professional development will be provided to all nutrition professionals in schools. Staff development programs should include appropriate certification and/or training programs for child nutrition directors, school nutrition managers, and cafeteria workers, according to their level of responsibility.

The District give the assurances that the District’s guidelines for reimbursable meals shall not be less restrictive than regulations and guidance issued by the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of section 10 of the Child Nutrition Act (42 U.S.C. 1779) and sections 9(f)(1) and 17(a) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1758(f)(1), 1766(a)), as those regulations and guidance apply to the District.

Community Involvement:
The District Wellness Committee will include parents, students, teachers, food service
representatives, administrators, and community representatives. This committee will meet once a
semester to review policies and activities. The District Wellness Committee will report via the District
Website an annual progress report on District Wellness goals.

Implementation and Monitoring:
The superintendent or his or her designee shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. The district assures that the development and periodic review of this policy involves students, parents, food service staff, nursing services, school personnel, the school board, and the public.

Legal Reference:
The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004; 42 USC 1751

Proposed: April 10, 2006
Adopted: May 8, 2006
Revised: November 13, 2017
Revised: May 8, 2023