Administrative Rules and Procedures to Implement Policy 504.06


Since illegal drug use is harmful and interferes with both effective learning and the healthy development of young people, the Elkhorn Public School district has a fundamental legal and ethical obligation to prevent drug use and to maintain a safe and drug free educational environment. As part of the district’s effort to keep the high school and middle school safe and free from illegal drugs, the high school and/or middle school principals may authorize the use of law enforcement drug detection dogs to search school lockers and cars parked in the school parking lot under the following guidelines:

1. The dogs will be brought into the high schools or middle schools both during and after school hours. The HS and MS Principal shall determine when the drug detection dogs will be used. Sniff searches will be conducted at random times throughout the school year.

2. The dogs will search lockers and cars parked in the school parking lot only. Students will not be searched by drug detection dogs. During school day sniff searches, students will be in classrooms.

3. If the drug detection dog identifies a locker or car, then school officials and law enforcement personnel will search the area and conduct an investigation. Parents/guardians will be notified if illegal drugs or contraband are discovered in a students’ locker or car. School penalties for possession of an illegal substance are governed by the school discipline code (Policy 5130) and may range from suspension to expulsion.

4. If an illegal drug is found, law enforcement will conduct a criminal investigation. If, during this investigation, probable cause exists to warrant an arrest, an arrest will be made.

5. If a student refuses to unlock a vehicle identified by a drug detection dog, the student will be subject to school sanctions for refusing to submit to a search. Law enforcement personnel will take appropriate action based on departmental policies.

6. Drug detection dog searches in the Elkhorn Public Schools may involve the Omaha Police Department, Douglas County Sheriff and/or State Patrol.

Adopted: May 11, 1998
Revised: April 10,2006