Policy 507.04

Health Examinations, Immunizations, Dispensing Medications and Student Self-Management of Asthma, Anaphylaxis, and/or Diabetes

As prescribed by school law and in accordance with the rules and regulations set forth by the Department of Health, regular hearing, dental, vision and height/weight screening of students shall be conducted to check students for visible symptoms which may indicate that a child is in need of further professional diagnosis.  If such screening determines that any child has suspected impairment of sight, hearing, dental defects, or other needs, the school shall notify the parent of the student in writing of such condition and explain to the parent the necessity of professional diagnosis for the student.

A student shall not be required to submit to a screening, required by this policy, if his or her parent or guardian provides school authorities with a statement signed by a physician, a physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse practicing under and in accordance with his or her respective credentialing act or other qualified provider as identified by the Department’s applicable rules and regulations, stating that such student has undergone such required inspection within the past six months. A student shall submit to any required screening for which such a statement is not received for verification.

The schools shall verify that students in attendance have met the immunization requirements specified in state law.

A school administrator will arrange a schedule for the purpose of giving prospective school athletes a health examination by a local physician at the student’s expense.

As prescribed by school law, students entering kindergarten and seventh grade are required to have a physical examination by their own physician.

Should a child show apparent symptoms of any acute, chronic (refer to Board Policy 507.05), contagious or infectious disease, he/she shall be sent home immediately, or as soon as safe and proper conveyance can be found.  The building principal and Superintendent shall be at once notified.  The student may return to school after the condition is identified and treated by a health professional and/or the condition is no longer present.

The administration of medication at school is strongly discouraged except when unavoidable and necessary for the student’s health.  The district encourages parents, guardians and heath care providers to adjust times for taking medications whenever possible so that the times for taking medications fall out side of school hours.  All medications administered at school by school district personnel shall be administered in accordance with the Medication Aide Act of 1998.

Students with asthma, anaphylaxis, or diabetes will be permitted to self-manage such medical conditions upon:

(1)  written request of the student’s parent or guardian;

(2)  authorization of the student’s physician;

(3)  receipt of a signed no liability statement from the parent or guardian; and

(4)  development of a written asthma or anaphylaxis or diabetes medical management plan for the student.

Students with such a medical management plan may possess the necessary medication to manage their medical condition under the conditions established in the plan and not be subject to discipline for such possession.  If the student uses or allows the medication to be used for any reason other than as prescribed or as provided in the plan or possesses the medication other than as provided in the plan the student shall be subject to discipline in accordance with the student discipline code. 

Legal Reference:
Neb. Rev. Stat. 79-248 and 79-249; 79-264; 79-526

Approved:   September 14, 199
Revised:  September 12, 1996
Revised:  October 11, 1999
Revised:  April 10, 2006
Revised:  August 14, 2006
Revised:  December 13, 2010

Revised:  June 2, 2014