Policy 1007.04

Law Enforcement

A cooperative effort shall be maintained between the officials of the district and law enforcement agencies. It is paramount that the rights of the school, the home, the civil authorities, and the individual will be clearly understood and protected.

To this end, the district may employ a school resource officer(s) (SROs). SROs are hired and trained to support the safety efforts of the Elkhorn Public Schools. They serve in designated schools and work alongside school administration. SROs and/or police officers are responsible for responding to criminal law matters where it is mandated by law that such offenses be referred to the criminal justice system. Absent an immediate threat of imminent physical harm and/or criminal law matters, school discipline issues are addressed by school administration.

At least one school administrator where a School Resource Officers is assigned will be trained as required by State Law. School administrators will ensure records are kept on each student referral for prosecution from a school resource officer in response to an incident occurring at school, on school grounds, or at a school sponsored event.

Approved: October 12, 1992
Revised: December 11, 1995
Revised: September 11, 2006
Revised: September 14, 2021