Be Ready to Get Your Scores in July. You’ll need your Collegeboard account username and password. This is the same information you used to sign into MyAP (myap.collegeboard.org). Scores are ONLY available online, so make sure you’re able to sign in to your...
Counselors visited seniors in English classes to discuss college applications, scholarships, financial aid, and the use of Naviance. Class of 2025 Sr PresDownload
Dual enrollment classes are offered for college credit through Nebraska Wesleyan, Peru State, and UNO. See the attached document for more details. Nebraska Wesleyan Honors Academy Peru State Dual Enrollment UNO Dual Enrollment ...
Exploring Posts are back! The Omaha Exploring program is a wonderful opportunity for 9-12th grade high school students to learn more about a particular career field. Activities are starting soon so register NOW. To find out how the program works, go to...
Welcome to the ESHS Counseling Center. Counselors are assigned alphabetically by last name. Jason Gosnell-Last Names A-Di jgosnell@epsne.org Meggan Coghill-Last Names Do-H mcoghill@epsne.org Rachel Hoch-Last Names I-Mon rhoch@epsne.org Kyan Kingston-Last Name Moo-Sc...