Administrative Rules and Procedures to Implement Policy 507.08


Cardiac arrest is sometimes a threat for students, staff, or visitors to district schools and when it occurs there is only a few minutes to save a life. To maximize the chances that an emergency response will result in a recovery, Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) may be placed in schools. Additionally, AED’s if present in a school building, will be used by trained designated school district personnel using the protocol below.


AED – Shall mean Automated External Defibrillator
CPR – Shall mean cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Qualified Personnel – Shall mean individuals who have met educational and/or legal requirement necessary to provide instruction on the use of AED’s

Maintenance and Use

A. AED’s will be placed at a visible location as determined by the building principal. The principal will take into consideration that coverage must be provided for all activities and school functions that occur not only during the school day, but after school hours for school related activities. Signs will be posted throughout the school building telling where the AED is located.

B. AED’s will be maintained and tested in accordance with the operational guidelines of the manufacturer and monitored by personnel designated by the principal.

C. Each AED and its necessary pads and supplies, will be inspected, at a minimum, monthly by the principal or designee to assure all are in proper working order and ready for immediate use. Such inspection shall be noted in writing on a form provided by the district. Also, the AED will be inspected after each use to ensure that the equipment is in proper working order and is ready for the next usage.

D. The AED’s will not be taken on field trips or other activities away from the school unless an extra AED is solely dedicated to that purpose.

AED Training and Implementation

A. At least six staff members at the high school and at least three staff members at each other school building will be designated to use the AED.

B. All designated school personnel will be trained by qualified personnel to administer CPR and to use the AED’s.

C. Training of the designated staff members will be conducted and completed prior to the distribution of AED’s within the schools.

D. Designated and trained staff members must complete annual CPR/AED training in order to continue serving as a designated staff member.

E. Training for the administration of AED’s will be provided by a certified CPR instructor.

Operating Procedures

A. The AED will be administered by trained personnel to students, staff members or visitors only when an emergency life threatening event occurs resulting from cardiac arrest.

B. Unless the subject’s medical conditions and/or circumstances dictate otherwise, the following standing procedures to emergency response cardiac arrest will be followed.

1. Call 911. Request immediate response by rescue personnel.
2. AED. Apply the AED following the instructions on the AED.
3. CPR. Administer CPR as directed by the AED.

C. Notify Parents or Guardians. Notify the parents or guardians immediately at the first sign of cardiac arrest. If trained designated staff members are involved in life-saving procedures, personnel not administering emergency treatment should provide the notice to the parents or guardians.

D. Complete Post-Use Record. As soon as reasonably possible following the emergency administration of an AED, the designated staff members involved shall provide a written report to the building principal stating the circumstances giving rise to the administration of the AED; the results and the recommended changes in the procedures or forms used by the district in its administration of an AED, if any.

Revised: April 10, 2006