Policy 507.01

Health/Nurse Services

The District shall use the Douglas County Visiting Nurse Association to provide nurse services.

The District will allow physical health, mental health counseling, therapy, or coaching session to be conducted by outside agencies provided that the session be held during non-core instructional hours which could include before school, after school, lunch, or a study hall as defined by the building principal via telehealth. The student will participate in the telehealth session independently and the school will provide a private location near adults but without direct adult supervision of the session. The parent must sign a Consent and Release of Information forms, so the school can work with the counselor, therapist, or coach to support this student.

The Board hereby permits the storage, administration, and implementation of naloxone (also known as Narcan) in school, so long as such storage, administration, and implementation complies with all legal requirements and the best interests of student health.

The Superintendent is hereby delegated the authority to develop regulations to handle and administer naloxone in the event of a suspect opioid overdose, or in other emergency situations that require prompt attention.

Approved: September 14, 1992
Revised: September 12, 1996
Revised: April 10, 2006
Revised: August 14, 2023