Policy 1006.02

Use of School Equipment

School equipment and materials will be used for school purposes only. Equipment such as projectors, cameras, etc, may be taken from school property in situations necessitated by District purposes. In such instances, school personnel must receive prior written approval from the Superintendent or a designee. A signed copy of the written approval must be on file prior to removing any equipment from District property.

Employees and Board Members are allowed to use public resources within the statutory definition of incidental or de minimus use for purposes such as communication or research. Incidental use is not authorized when an employee’s use (1) interferes with the conduct of school business; (2) interferes with the performance of the employee’s duties and responsibilities; (3) is contrary to another Board Policy or a rule or directive set forth in an employee handbook or other communications; (4) is for the employee’s personal financial gain or for potential personal financial gain.

Laptop computers may be taken from school premises as needed for school-related professional use. On an annual basis, staff members will sign a Laptop Checkout Form and agree to all outlined policies. District personnel will adhere to the laws, policies, and rules governing computers including, but not limited to, copyright laws, rights of software publishers, license agreements, acts of terrorism, assault, threats at personnel and student rights of privacy created by federal and state law.

District personnel are expected to protect school equipment and laptops from damage and theft, and may be held responsible and liable for damage or theft that occurs off school premises up to the District insured deductible amount. In cases of negligence, staff members may be held personally liable for replacement costs.

Legal Reference:
Neb. Statute 49-14, 101.01 and 49-14, 101.02

Approved: October 12, 1992
Revised: December 11, 1995
Revised: September 11, 2006
Revised: June 9, 2008
Revised: January 18, 2010