Policy 1005.12

Public Performances by Students

Participation in community celebrations, patriotic observances, or other special events by bands, choral groups, athletic teams, or other student groups is recommended by the Board as a means for establishment of better relations between the District and the community. The use of school groups to promote partisan politics, sectarian religious views, non-school related money-raising activities, or selfish propaganda of any description is prohibited.

School principals and staff are urged to cooperate with any group or groups having promotion of the welfare of the youth of the community as their purpose, provided that youth of every race, religion, nationality, sex and socioeconomic status benefit equally.

The Superintendent shall have authority to approve or disapprove participation in events of the nature described above and shall report such approval or disapproval to the Board.

Approved: October 12, 1992
Revised: December 11, 1995
Revised: September 11, 2006